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1. Roemer, Hans Robert, "The Sinai Documents and the History of the Islamic World: State of the Art--Future Tasks." In Studia Arabica et Islamica: Festschrift for Iḥsān ʿAbbās on his Sixtieth Birthday/Dirāsāt ʿArabīyah wa-Islāmīyah Muhdāh ilá Iḥsān ʿAbbās bi-Munāsabat Bulūghihi al-Sittīn. Edited by Wadād al-Qāḍī. 381-391. Beirut: American University in Beirut, 1981.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
2. Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries." In Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours. edited byMouton, Jean-Michel.149-181. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2001.
Series: Cahier des annales islamologiques, 21
Notes: Review see Bianquis; Troupeau.
Subjects: Places--St. Catherine's/Social relations
3. Gow, Andrew, "Catherine in the Sinai, Monastery of St.." In Trade, Travel, and Exploration in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia. edited byFriedman, John Block//Figg, Kristen Mossler.102-103. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 2000.
Series: Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1899
Subjects: Places--St. Catherine's
4. Wolff, Anne, "Two Pilgrims to Saint Catherine's Monastery: Niccolò di Poggibonsi and Christopher Harant." In Desert Travellers from Herodotus to T. E. Lawrence. Edited by Starkey, Janet//El Daly, Okasha. 33-58. Durham: Astene, 2000.
Series: Astene Publications, 1
Notes: Review see Kidwai
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--St. Catherine's/Individuals--Niccolo da Poggibonsi
5. Amīn, Muḥammad Muḥammad. "Marsūm al-Sulṭān Barqūq ilá Ruhbān Dayr Sānt Kātrīn bi-Sīnāʾ." Majallat Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah bi-al-Kharṭūm 5, (1974): 83-113.
Subjects: Administration/Individuals--Barquq/Places--St. Catherine's
6. Atiya, Aziz Suryal. "The Arabic Treasures of the Convent of Mount Sinai." Proceedings of the Egyptian Society of Historical Studies 2, (1952): 5-26.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
7. Ibrāhīm, ʿAbd al-Laṭīf. "Min Wathāʾiq Dayr Sānt Kātrīn: Thalāth Wathāʾiq Fiqhīyah." Majallat Kullīyat al-Ādāb, Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah 25, 1 (1963): 95-133.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
8. Murray, G. W.. "Felix Fabri's Pilgrimage from Gaza to Mount Sinai and Cairo, A.D. 1483." Geographical Journal 122, (1956): 335-342.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Cairo/Places--St. Catherine's/Foreign relations/Individuals--Felix Fabri
9. Richards, D. S.. "Documents from Sinai Concerning Mainly Cairene Property." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 28, (1985): 225-293.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Cairo/Places--St. Catherine's
10. Stern, S. M.. "Petitions from the Mamlūk Period (Notes on the Mamlūk Documents from Sinai)." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 29, 2 (1966): 233-276.
Notes: Reprinted in his Coins and Documents from the Medieval Middle East (London: Variorum, 1986). Review see Morton.
Subjects: Administration/Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
11. Ibrāhim, ʿAbd al-Latif. "Fī Maktabat Dayr Sānt Kātrīn: Dirāsah fī al-Wathāʾiq al-ʿĀmmah fī al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭá." Majallat Jāmiʿat Umm Durmān al-Islāmīyah 1, (1968): 151-260.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
12. Walle, B. van de. "Sur les traces des pélerins flamands, hennuyers et liégeois au Monastère Sainte-Catherine du Sinaï." Handelingen van het Genootschap "Société d'Émulation" te Brugge / Annales de la Société d'Émulation de Bruges 101, (1964): 119-147.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--St. Catherine's
13. Popescu-Belis, Andrei. "Le Dār al-ʿabīd du mont Sinaï: une hypothèse." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 34, 2 (2000): 375-386.
Subjects: Places--Sinai/Places--St. Catherine's
14. Rabino, Hyacinth Louis. "Le Monastère de Sainte-Catherine (Mont-Sinaï). Souvenirs épigraphiques des anciens pèlerins." Bulletin de la Société royale de géographie d'Égypte 19, (1937): 21-126.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Foreign relations/Places--St. Catherine's
15. Couyat-Barthoux, J.. "Sur une peinture catalane du XIVe siècle trouvée au monastère du Sinaï." Anuari de l'Institut d'estudis catalans 5, (1913-1914): 729-733.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations/Places--St. Catherine's
16. Mosconas, Théodore D.. "Reliques du Couvent du Mont-Sinaï. Un calice d'or offert par le roi de France Charles VI en 1411." Cahiers d'histoire égyptienne ser. 3, 4 (1951): 350-351.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--St. Catherine's
17. Atiya, Aziz Suryal, The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: A Handlist of the Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai. xxxiv, 97 pp., 16 pls.. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1955.
Notes: Review see Makdisi; Pearson; Wagner.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
18. Ernst, Hans, editor and translator. Die mamlukischen Sultansurkunden des Sinai Klosters. xxxix, 353 pp.. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrasowitz, 1960.
Notes: Review see Cahen; Grohmann; Labib; Schimmel.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
19. Moritz, Bernhard, Beiträge zur Geschichte des Sinaiklosters im Mittelalter nach arabischen Quellen. 62 pp., 2 pl.. Berlin: Verlag der königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1918.
Series: Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 4
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Qaytbay/Places--St. Catherine's
20. Champdor, Albert, Le Mont Sinaï et le monastère Sainte-Catherine. 101 pp.. Paris: Albert Guillot, 1963.
Series: Les hauts lieux de l'histoire, 16
Subjects: Places--St. Catherine's
21. Rabino, Hyacinth Louis, Le monastère de Sainte-Catherine du Mont Sinaï. 136 pp.. Cairo: Royal automobile club d'Égypte, 1938.
Subjects: Places--St. Catherine's
22. Kāmil, Murād, Catalogue of All Manuscripts in the Monastery of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai. ix, 213 pp.. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1970.
Notes: Review see Kolvenbach.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
23. Roemer, Hans Robert. "The Sinai Documents and the History of the Islamic World: State of the Art--Future Tasks." In Palestine, vol. 2: Geography and Civilization of Palestine, The Third International Conference on Bilad al-Sham, 151-165. Amman, 19-24 April 1980. Amman: University of Jordan/Yarmouk University, 1983.
Subjects: Places--St. Catherine's/Historiography
24. Richards, D. S.. "Some Muslim and Christian Documents from Sinai concerning Christian Property." In Law, Christianity and Modernism in Islamic Society, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Edited by Vermeulen, Urbain//Van Reeth, J. M. F., 161-170. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 3-9 September 1996. Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, 1998.
Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 86
Subjects: Places--St. Catherine's/Religion
25. Kraack, Detlev. ""Les armoriaux sur les murs": inscriptions et graffiti héraldiques des voyageurs nobles du XIVe au XVIe siècle: l'exemple du "vieux réfectoire" du monastère de Sainte-Catherine au Mont Sinaï." In Les armoriaux médiévaux, Actes du colloque international "Les armoriaux médiévaux", Edited by Holtz, Louis//Pastoureau, Michel//Loyau, Hélène, 339-360. Paris, 21-23 March 1994. Paris: Le léopard d'or, 1997.
Series: Cahiers du Léopard d'or, 8
Notes: Alternative volume title: Les armoriaux: histoire héraldique, sociale et culturelle des armoriaux médiévaux."
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--St. Catherine's
26. Labīb, Ṣubḥī. Review of Die mamlukischen Sultansurkunden des Sinai Klosters, edited and translated by Hans Ernst. Der Islam 41, (1965): 272-275.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
27. Makdisi, George. Review of The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: A Handlist of the Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, by Aziz Suryal Atiya. Journal of the American Oriental Society 76, (1956): 241-242.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
28. Morton, A. H.. Review of Coins and Documents from the Medieval Middle East, by S. M. Stern. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 50, (1987): 605.
Subjects: Administration/Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
29. Schimmel, Annemarie. Review of Die mamlukischen Sultansurkunden des Sinai Klosters, edited and translated by Hans Ernst. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 113, (1963): 296-297.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
30. Wagner, Ewald. Review of The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: A Handlist of the Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, by Aziz Suryal Atiya. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 106, (1956): 395-398.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
31. Grohmann, Adolf. Review of Die mamlukischen Sultansurkunden des Sinai Klosters, edited and translated by Hans Ernst. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 59-60, (1963-1964): 266-268.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
32. Cahen, Claude. Review of Die mamlukischen Sultansurkunden des Sinai Klosters, edited and translated by Hans Ernst. Oriens 15, (1962): 458-461.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
33. Troupeau, Gérard. Review of Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, edited by Jean-Michel Mouton. Studia Islamica 95, (2002): 177-180.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Kitbugha/Places--Sinai/Economics/Excavations/Foreign relations/Social relations/Places--St. Catherine's/Religion
34. Bianquis, Thierry. Review of Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, edited by Jean-Michel Mouton. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée 107-110, (2005): 507-508.
Notes: Volume title: Identités confessionnelles et espace urbain en terres d'Islam.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Kitbugha/Places--Sinai/Economics/Excavations/Foreign relations/Social relations/Places--St. Catherine's/Religion
35. Kolvenbach, Peter-Hans. Review of Catalogue of All Manuscripts in the Monastery of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai, by Murād Kāmil. al-Mashriq 64, 6 (1970): 777-783.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
36. Hanā, Zaynab Muḥammad Maḥfūẓ. "al-Taṭawwur al-Diblūmātī li-Marāsīm Dīwān al-Inshāʾ bi-Dayr Sānt Kātirīn min al-Qarn al-Khāmis ilá al-Qarn al-ʿĀshir al-Hijrī." Master's thesis, Cairo University, 1970.
Subjects: Places--St. Catherine's
37. Khedoori, Elias. "Charters and Privileges Granted by the Fāṭimids and Mamlūks to St. Catherine's Monastery of Ṭūr Sinai (ca. 500 to 900 A.H.." Master's thesis, University of Manchester, 1958.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's
38. Pearson, J. D.. Review of The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: A Handlist of the Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, by Aziz Suryal Atiya. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 21, 3 (1958): 672-673.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--St. Catherine's



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